
Get a Head-Start on Your New Year’s Resolution

Get a Head-Start on Your New Year’s Resolution

Why wait until the New Year to get started on your health and fitness journey? If you plan on making your yearly resolution about getting into shape, let us help you get a head-start on the New-Years-Rush! It’s never too early (or too late) to start working towards your goal.

Instead of hitting the gym floor in January with the rest of the crowd, start in November and familiarize yourself with the equipment, etiquette, and establish your routine. In the WHCA Squash & Fitness Centre, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to take you for a tour of the facility and answer any questions you may have in order to get acquainted with our well-stocked weight room and cardio equipment. They can even introduce you to our great personal trainers who will work with you to establish a workout routine that fits your fitness level and schedule.

Not sure if the weight room is right for you? Consider signing up for one of our group fitness classes! We have some of the best instructors from throughout Calgary leading these programs right here at the WHCA. Variety is the spice of life, so we are always trying out new and exciting programs that can be adjusted for all fitness levels; from brand-new beginner, to the voracious veterans, we always try to have something for everyone. These programs can include anything from spin classes, HIIT, yoga, circuit training, and much more. To see what classes we are currently offering this season, visit

Looking for something a little less formal than a group fitness class? Get acquainted with squash and tennis! We have 3 full-size courts for both of these great racquet sports, as well as the trainers and equipment to get you on your way. Both squash and tennis are high-pace, sweat-inducing, high-skill sports that can be taken up by athletes of all skill and fitness levels and can be a great way to stay in shape year-round. Our indoor squash courts will even keep you warm and active in the cold weather months. Courts can be booked in-person, by phone, or even online. Racquet sports are a great way to get in shape while building a skill, and a fun way to meet your New Years resolution goals!

So don’t wait until an arbitrary change of calendar to start your fitness journey. You’ll always wish you had started earlier, so why not start today? Stop by the facility, check out our membership packages, and start on a new path to a happier, healthier you!

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